Kamikaze 89

In the near future where "the combine" controls television and news, a bomb threat brings super cop Jansen to the combine's headquarters. Nothing...

Starring: Rainer Werner Fassbinder, G�nther Kaufmann, Boy Gobert, Arnold Marquis, Richy M�ller, Nicole Heesters, Brigitte Mira, J�rg Holm, Hans Wypr�chtiger, Petra Jokisch, Andreas Mannkopff, Ute Koska, Frank Ripploh, Hans-Eckart Eckhardt, Christoph Baumann
Genre: Sci-Fi, Thriller
Countries: West Germany
Directors: Wolf Gremm
Release Date: July 16, 1982
Runtime: 1h 46min
IMDb Rating: Kamikaze 89 (1982) on IMDb

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